When I received the call for this Art Auction donation I was stunned and honored. My immediate thought was how to make this shoot unique. Then I thought of my working relationships and really would this team be possible just by asking. I mean these people alone come at a high end reasonable price and a team of them who knows... just let me ask.
My dream of shooting in unique locations with a team of creative people continues and has come full circle with this donation. The All Arts Photo Shoot will take place in the Light Factory Museum of Contemporary Photography and Film. The guests will be entertained by The Children's Choir during a private gallery tour and photo shoot. The package also includes a full camera ready makeover on location including professional makeup, professional hair styling and wardrobe styling. The Film Department of The Light Factory will document the shoot for a final video short. The guests will also receive all final photographers portrait selection on disc including printing at cost.
The idea of giving back to the arts is pretty cool. I must also share that the entire team (listed below) has expressed over the top enthusiasm with this donation. So keep your eye on the gift basket that will be on display during the auction. I'm quite shocked with the additional items the sponsors have donated and look forward to additional donations. So if you are reading this and would like to add to the All Arts Photo Shoot gift basket PLEASE let me know. If you can't then consider giving time to a community arts group in your neighborhood...
sponsor links
The Light Factory Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film, The Children's Choir, Nicole Hale personal wardrobe stylist, Adrian D. Howe professional makeup artist, Larry Webb Salon Vivace, American Beauty Garden Center, Common Market, T Haap Designs, Pretty Things by Grace, photographer Erin L. Hubbs.