Charlotte Style Magazine - Double Covers
Yes Yes Yes double covers for Charlotte Style Magazine. I cant believe it myself and still stunned. I found out this was going to be a double cover when I was shooting in New York and totally thinking of well not this. It was funny my publisher was in a different room from me and said it. I thought what did she just say and then it was a blur I dont even know if I responded but I had to sit on this news for a couple of weeks until earlier this week we Charlotte Style made the announcement. At that point I could think about it again. I have to admit to shoot such a special story and then it to become a double was shocking.... because if you follow my blog (silly) I never intended to have the cover much less two... its a wild story so come back to read more posts later this is simple a post to show the double cover...
Many thanks to Charlotte Style Magazine for this amazing gift of not one cover but two.. WOW right...