Being asked to join a donation from Diamonds Direct Southpark for the 30th Annual Auction is really amazing and the photo shoot fashion twist is stunning. Stunning.... I guess it shows I shoot fashion and admire pretty things and people notice. What the final images do not show is the fast pace of the world I have dipped into. The running to score a spot in one of the worlds largest photo pits, photographers fighting over equipment preference, hours of setup and tear out, sleepless nights working, coffee addiction, working relationships with media outlets/talent/designers basically its a crazy dance I hope never ends. Yeah I can actually use the line of 'would not change it for the world' and 'damn I'm lucky' and truly mean it.
The video above will be on display during The Light Factory Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film 30th Annual Art Auction. All the visual content was shot by me including the actual video. I often tell people to document your life and this is a sample of mine. The actual editing idea is to keep viewers attention even from across the room as it will be played on a loop so enjoy (insert laugh).
Many thanks to The Light Factory Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film for inviting me to be part of this unique package........ I'm flattered you all thought of me and have noticed my fashion work.